Meridian RanchThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution for the final acceptance of certain streets within the Meridian Ranch Filing No. 6 subdivision into the EPC road maintenance system. The board approved the final release of bond money in the amount of $83,971.40 for the defect warranty purchased for Filing No. 6.The BOCC also approved the first partial release of bond money in the amount of $770,589 for grading and erosion control in Filing No. 11.The board approved the final release of bond money in the amount of $110,134 for grading and erosion control in Filing No.3.Meadow Lake Industrial ParkThe BOCC heard a request from GRR Partners, John Ventimiglia and Kevin OíNeil, for approval of a planned unit development zoning and conceptual plan that would identify 254.5 acres of industrial and commercial use parcels as the final planned uses within the district. Approval would be subject to additional land use approvals. The parcels are located adjacent to the Meadow Lake Airport at the northwest corner of the intersection of Falcon Highway and Curtis Road.The BOCC gave the OK for the request, with an additional condition prohibiting any type of marijuana use on the parcels.Cathedral PinesThe commissioners heard three requests from HPT LLC for approval of a three-year extension to record the plat associated with the Cathedral Pines Subdivision. The requests pertained to the final plat of Filings 6, 7 and 8. Filing No. 6 is a three-lot site adjacent to Foxchase Way; Filing No. 7 is a one-lot site adjacent to Milhaven Place; and Filing No. 8 is a one-lot site adjacent to Vessey Road.The board approved all three requests.Public Services Department 2014 budgetThe BOCC approved a resolution to recognize revenue and appropriate expenditures in the Public Services Department 2014 budget for costs associated with providing fuel to the following:
- Calhan Fire Protection District ó $3,111
- The Town of Calhan ó $13,629
- Calhan R-J1 Schools for January through September 2014 ó $41,401
- Frontier Charter Academy School ó $5,584
- Ellicott Fire Protection District ó $1,146