Falcon Regional ParkN.E.S. Inc. received an OK from the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners to consult on a master plan for Falcon Regional Park. The contract and purchase order will not exceed $39,990.Fox Run Regional ParkThe BOCC approved a general services contract and purchase order from the Mile High Youth Corps to perform wild land fire-risk reduction mitigation services within the boundaries of Fox Run Regional Park in Black Forest. The contract and purchase order cannot exceed $51,000.Peyton Highway bridge deck replacementThe BOCC awarded Even-Preisser Inc. a contract and purchase order to replace the bridge deck on Peyton Highway for the El Paso County Public Services Departmentís engineering division at a total cost not to exceed $131,621.Calhan Multi-Purpose Recreation BuildingThe BOCC approved an urban park grant for a multi-purpose recreation building in Calhan.Bent GrassThe BOCC heard two requests from R.W. Case II, Lindsey Case and Raymond and Tanya Reilly for approval of the Bent Grass East Commercial Filing 2. The area is west of Meridian Road and north of Owl Road. The request, a final plat and a preliminary plan for the parcel, proposed three commercial lots, a drainage tract, a future development tract and a public right-of-way on 10.3 acres.The BOCC approved both requests.Sterling RanchMorley-Bentley Investments LLC requested a two-year extension for the Sterling Ranch sketch plan. The property is located east of Vollmer Road and north and south of the proposed extension of Briargate Parkway.The plan consists of 1,443.7 acres proposed for 5,500 residential units, 56 acres of commercial sites, 57 acres of school sites, 210 acres of parks and open space, and a two-acre utility site. The BOCC approved the request.Wild Blue Animal Rescue and SanctuaryLauri Cross and Scott Trimbolli received approval from the BOCC for an animal refuge, located about .25 miles southeast of the intersection of Burgess Road and Holmes Road. The parcels, totaling 14 acres, are zoned residential rural. The refuge was approved with conditions ó one of which limits the number of cats to 20.