Black Forest Log SchoolThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution to award an urban park grant to the Black Forest Community Foundation for the Black Forest Log School Park, Phase I. The grant for $25,000 will go toward a new pavilion and landscaping, signage and parking by the historic log school at the intersection of Shoup Road and Black Forest Road.Paint Brush HillsThe BOCC heard a request from Six Ninety Nine LA LLC for a preliminary plan approval of a residential subdivision consisting of 89 single-family lots on 18.1 acres at the northwest corner of Stapleton Drive and Towner Avenue.At the same time, the commissioners heard a request to rezone the area from RM-30 residential multifamily to RS-5000 residential suburban. The BOCC unanimously approved the first request with two additional conditions: restrictions on the accessory buildings and a 30-foot height restriction on buildings on lots 26-32, which are on the eastern border of the property. They unanimously approved the second request.Meridian RanchThe BOCC heard a request from GTL Development LLC for a final plat to create 102 single-family lots in the proposed Stonebridge Filing 1 planned unit development district. The final plat includes about 15.9 acres of residential lots, 6.8 acres of rights-of-way and 118.8 acres of open space for a total area of 141.42 acres. The commissioners approved the request.GTL also requested approval of a preliminary plan for the creation of 175 single-family lots in the Stonebridge Filing 1 and 2 PUD district. The preliminary plan contains about 26.74 acres of single-family residential use lots, 10.81 acres of rights-of-way and 103.87 acres of open space. The BOCC approved the request. The commissioners also heard a request from GTL about a map amendment for the Stonebridge Filing 1 and 2 PUD district to establish the final planned uses for the area.The site includes 26.74 acres of single-family residential use lots, 10.81 acres of rights-of-way and 103.87 acres of open space in a total area of 141.42 acres. The BOCC approved the request.Doug Woods, vice president of GTL, said that work in the subdivision was slowed by the recent heavy rainfall. He said construction on Londonderry Drive was scheduled for completion by Aug. 15, but theyíve lost more than week of construction time because of rain.Woods said that work on the newest site, called Eastridge Filing 11, is progressing, with sewer and water service construction completed. The next step is curb, gutter, gas, electric and other utilities, he said. ìOur anticipated completion date is Oct. 1, with 118 lots,î Woods said. Community members will not see home construction at this site until at least then, he said.Fox Point Filing 7 has about 15 homes under construction currently, Woods said.The Estates 2 site, which include 1-acre lots has drawn plentiful interest, with six homes currently under construction, he said.It is anticipated that the vacant land at the intersection of Meridian and Stapleton roads will be developed for commercial and residential use, Woods said. Grading is already under way, and home sites should be available in mid-November.Woods said that south of Londonderry Drive off Rainbow Bridge Drive is a site that has already been graded, and underground utilities are being installed.