By Lindsey Harrison
Fox Run Regional Park
The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved an amendment and change order to TDG Architecture Inc. to provide additional engineering, design and permitting services for Fallen Timbers Road, related to the construction of the Fox Run Nature Center for $46,697.50. The EPC Parks & Community Services Department determined that the design of the reclamation at Fallen Timber Road needs to be completed parallel to the Nature Center to ensure proper drainage and irrigation. The amendment widens the scope of the overall project to include architectural building plans and civil construction plans for the Nature Center.
The commissioners also unanimously approved a purchase order to Matrix Design Group Inc. to provide site planning, landscape architecture and civil engineering design services for the proposed Fox Run Regional Park, Ponds and Gazebo Renovation Project for $207,175. The project area is located in the northern half of the park, consisting of about 4 acres of parking areas, trails, two ponds, a wedding gazebo, amphitheater and a small building containing restrooms and a meeting room. The scope of the project includes the following: a study of the gazebo for relocation and reconstruction near the existing amphitheater, improvements to the amphitheater to ensure ADA access, reduce erosion and improve the functionality of the space; dredging of both ponds and installation of synthetic pond liners; and improvements to ensure ADA access from the parking lot to the gazebo, amphitheater, building and around the ponds.
Sterling Ranch subdivision
The BOCC unanimously approved the partial release of funds for Homestead at Sterling Ranch subdivision Filing No. 2 for $1,134,793.40. Improvements represented by those funds have been completed and inspected.
The commissioners also unanimously approved the partial release of funds for Homestead North at Sterling Ranch Filing No. 1 for $2,570,996.20. Improvements represented by those funds have been completed and inspected.
The BOCC also unanimously approved the partial release of funds for Sterling Ranch Filing No.3 for $964,201.60. Improvements represented by those funds have been completed and inspected.
2775 North Meridian Road
The county commissioners unanimously approved a request by John Uppole to rezone 35 acres from residential rural-5 to agricultural zoning. The property is located at 2775 North Meridian Road, about .25 miles south of the Corral Bluffs View and Meridian Road intersection.
Ivilo Heights
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by Pawel Posorski to create two single-family residential lots on 6.02 acres, zoned residential rural-2.5 and located about .38 miles east of the Vessey Road and Holmes Road intersection.
Armonia Ranch
The commissioners unanimously approved a request by Jerome W. Hannigan and Associates Inc. to replat 49.02 acres to create one single-family residential lot, vacate two existing county right-of-ways, and dedicate a different county right-of-way. The property, zoned RR-5, is located at 10612 and 10613 Twin Pines Road, southwest of the Ayer Road and Goodson Road intersection.
Retreat at TimberRidge subdivision
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by TimberRidge Development Group LLC for the final plat of the Retreat at TimberRidge Filing No. 4 subdivision to create 10 single-family residential lots and one tract on 34.47 acres. The property is located north of Arroya Lane and is zoned planned unit development.
Lazy Y Rocking J RV Park
The commissioners approved a request by N.E.S. Inc to rezone 29 acres from A-35 to recreational vehicle park zoning, in a 4-1 vote, with District 4 Commissioner Longinos Gonzalez against. The property is located at 12960 North Peyton Highway, 5 miles south of the Highway 24 and Peyton Highway intersection.
The BOCC also unanimously approved a request by N.E.S. Inc to rezone 5 acres from A-35 to RR-5, also located at 12960 North Peyton Highway.