By Lindsey Harrison
Rolling Hills Ranch
The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the preliminary acceptance of certain roads within the Rolling Hills Ranch Filing No. 3 subdivision into the EPC road maintenance system. All improvements have been completed and inspected.
Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch
The BOCC unanimously approved the final release of a defect warranty bond for the Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch Filing No. 1 for $168,340. There are no public improvements to hold for the defect warranty.
The commissioners also unanimously approved the final acceptance of certain streets within the Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch Filing No. 1 into the EPC road maintenance system.
Sterling Ranch subdivision
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by Classic SRJ Land LLC to amend 212 acres of the approved 1,444-acre Sterling Ranch Sketch Plan. Located north of the future Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Corridor, south of Arroyo Lane and east of Vollmer Road and the Sand Creek Channel, the amendment will increase the density in this area with no reduction in the amount of approved open space in the subdivision.
The commissioners also unanimously approved concurrent rezoning in the above subdivision as follows: 33.97 acres from residential rural-5 to residential rural-2.5; 37.87 acres from residential rural-5 to residential rural-0.5; and 328.72 acres from RR-5 to residential suburban-5000.
Prairie Ridge subdivision
The BOCC unanimously approved the final release of funds plus accrued interest for Prairie Ridge Filing No. 1 for $45,856.40. There are no public improvements to hold for defect warranty.
Black Forest Trails Association
The commissioners unanimously approved the acceptance of a general warranty deed from the Black Forest Trails Association Inc. to the county for a portion of the Arroyo Lane/Vollmer Road property.
Forest Heights Estates
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by the Jon Didleaux and Phyllis Didleau Revocable Trust for a minor subdivision of 32.618 acres to create four single-family residential lots and two tracts. The property is located at 8250 Forest Heights Circle and is zoned RR-5.