By Lindsey Harrison
Retreat at TimberRidge subdivision
The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the preliminary acceptance of certain streets within the Retreat at TimberRidge Filing No. 2 (Black Forest) into the EPC road maintenance system. All improvements have been completed and inspected.
The Reserve at Corral Bluffs subdivision in Peyton
The commissioners unanimously approved the preliminary acceptance of certain streets within The Reserve at Corral Bluffs Filing No. 2 into the EPC road maintenance system. All improvements have been completed and inspected.
Rex Road/Meridian Road intersection
The BOCC unanimously approved a possession and use agreement with the Meridian Service Metropolitan District to obtain several easements associated with the Rex Road and Meridian Road intersection project from the MSMD for $107,400, per the county’s appraised value.
The commissioners also unanimously approved a memorandum of agreement and approval and acceptance of a special warranty deed, a permanent easement agreement and a temporary construction easement agreement from Bonnie J. Ward for $25,400 associated with the Rex Road/Meridian Road intersection project.
The BOCC also unanimously approved a development agreement with GTL Development Inc. for the traffic signal at Rex Road and Meridian Road intersection for $413,154.50.
The commissioners also unanimously approved, accepted and entered into a standard off-system utility reimbursement agreement with Mountain View Electric Association Inc. in which MVEA will relocate existing facilities to accommodate the Rex Road and Meridian Road intersection improvements project for $1,345,439.
Sterling Ranch subdivision
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by Classic SRJ Land LLC to rezone 42.03 acres from residential rural-5 to residential suburban-5000 in the Sterling Ranch East Filing No. 5. The property is located south of the future extension of Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Corridor and east of the Sand Creek Channel and falls within the Sterling Ranch Sketch Plan area.
Classic SRJ also requested approval of the combined planned unit development and preliminary plan for an 11.66-acre portion of this property to create 72 single-family residential lots in a single development phase. The lots will be located north of Sterling Ranch Road, east of Vollmer Road and immediately adjacent to and west of Dines Boulevard. The commissioners unanimously approved this request.
Jon Knecht property
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by Jon Knecht to rezone 21.03 acres from agricultural-35 to RR-5. The property is located at 12375 North Meridian Road and 12425 North Meridian Road.