Judge Orr Ranchettes
The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved an application for the final acceptance of certain streets within the Judge Orr Ranchettes subdivision into the EPC road maintenance system. All warranty items have been completed and inspected.
Sterling Ranch subdivision
The commissioners unanimously approved a regional parks lands agreement with Sterling Ranch Metropolitan District No. 1 and Classic SRJ Land LLC to construct a concrete publicly accessible 8-foot wide by 1.94-mile long portion of the Sand Creek Primary Regional Trail, adjacent to filings located within the central portion of the Sterling Ranch subdivision. Additionally, the agreement allows for the waiver of all regional park fees for those filings for $930,975.
Rex Road and Meridian Road intersection
The BOCC unanimously approved a trade contractor agreement and purchase order to Elite Surface Infrastructure for construction of the Rex Road and Meridian Road intersection improvements project for the Department of Public Works, Highway Division for $7,059,630.65. The work will include installing a traffic signal, widening Meridian Road from four lanes to seven lanes and providing geometric improvements.
Retreat at TimberRidge Filing No. 3 subdivision
The commissioners unanimously approved a request by TimberRidge Development Group LLC for the final plat of 44.35 acres to create 33 single-family lots. The property, located adjacent to and south of Arroya Lane and east of Vollmer Road, is zoned planned unit development.
Falcon Highlands South subdivision
The BOCC approved a request by Challenger Communities LLC to rezone property from one PUD to another within the Falcon Highlands South division in a 4-1 vote, with District 4 Commissioner Longinos Gonzalez against. The request updates the current PUD from 138 single-family residential lots and nine tracts to 378 single-family residential lots and nine tracts on 125.56 acres located at the northwest corner of the Highway 24 and Meridian Road intersection. The request also includes 39.9 acres of open space and 19.9 acres of land dedicated for public rights-of-way.