Rex Road/Meridian Road intersection improvements
The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved memorandums of agreement for permanent easements from property owned by the following: John W. Dodd for $2,400; Thomas Eugene Scott for $1,500; Anthony Diego Farinaro and Phyllis Lee Farinaro for $10,800; Louis M. Rizzo and Heather K. Rizzo for $2,500; Kevin Catt and Kimberly Catt for $4,000; and Jerry D. Brunson Jr. and Melinda Brunson for $8,748. The easements are related to the Rex Road and Meridian Road intersection improvements.
Peyton Bridge Repair Project
The BOCC unanimously approved a contract amendment and change order to Structures Inc for additional repairs related to the Peyton Bridge Repair Project for $51,404.40. Structures Inc provided all labor, material and equipment to bring the bridge up to the minimum safe operating conditions.
Eagleview Metropolitan District
The commissioners approved a request from PT Eagleview, LLC for a Colorado Revised Statues Title 32 Special District service plan for the Eagleview Metropolitan District in a 4-1 vote, with District 4 Commissioner Longinos Gonzalez opposed. The 121-acre property is zoned residential rural-2.5, and located west of the Paint Brush Hills subdivision, north of Stapleton Drive, south of Arroya Lane and east of Raygor Road.
The service plan includes a maximum debt authorization of $8,000,000 and a total maximum combined residential mill levy of 65 mills. The statutory purposes of the district include the provision of the following: street improvements, safety protection; design, construction, and maintenance of drainage facilities; design, land acquisition, construction, and maintenance of recreation facilities; mosquito control; design, acquisition, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of television relay and translation facilities; covenant enforcement; design, construction, and maintenance of public water including fire hydrant systems, and sanitation systems; and solid waste removal.
Meridian Ranch subdivision
The BOCC unanimously approved the final acceptance of Stonebridge Filing No. 4 in the Meridian Ranch subdivision into the EPC road maintenance system.
Liberty Tree Academy
The commissioners unanimously approved the final release of funds held for defect warranty for Liberty Tree Academy Phase 2 for $17,944.20.