The El Paso County Planning Commission met April 1 to discuss a variety of projects proposed throughout the county.Meridian Ranch Estates Filing 11 ñ planned unit developmentThe commission heard a request from GTL Development LLC to establish the final planned uses and development standards for the total 105.8-acre development area. The BOCC approved the sketch plan, PUD zoning and concept plan May 24, 2012, giving authorization for the development of a maximum of 3,800 single-family lots within the Meridian Ranch development area.The 88.21-acre PUD includes 200 single-family dwellings on lots no smaller than 6,600 square feet. The PUD also includes 35.8 acres of single-family residential uses, 19.2 acres of right-of-way and 33.2 acres of open space. The site is located within the boundaries of the Falcon/Peyton Small Area Master Plan.Approval and development of the 200 additional dwelling units would raise the existing number of single-family dwellings to 1,811, leaving 1,989 remaining before reaching the dwelling cap.The commission heard the preliminary plan and final plat requests concurrently with the PUD request.The planning commission unanimously approved the PUD request, the preliminary plan request and the final plat items. They will all be forwarded to the BOCC for consideration.Walker Private Ranchettes ñ minor subdivisionThe commission heard a request from Zee Team Property Investments LLC to create a minor subdivision of three single-family lots from a 16.42-acre parcel, located within the boundaries of the Spruce Hill/Highway 83 Corridor of the Black Forest Preservation Plan.The proposed subdivision would consist of a single 6.1-acre lot for the existing residence on the parcel and two additional 5.15-acre lots. John Corbin, a resident who lives adjacent to the proposed subdivision, said he has concerns about the lack of space for emergency vehicles to have the ability to turn around on Walker Road, where the subdivision is planned. Corbin also cited concerns about the amount of water available in the event of a fire, if the subdivision is developed.Lori Seago, county attorney, said her office found there was sufficient water to support the minor subdivision.The planning commission unanimously approved the request, and the item will be forwarded to the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners for consideration.