By Lindsey Harrison
Fox Run Nature Center Design Project
The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved an amendment and change order to TDG Architecture Inc. for the Fox Run Nature Center Design Project for $86,174.50. The amendment and change order include moving the location of the nature center to a location that is better for drainage and traffic circulation. The additional work will include engineering and design work for site planning, stormwater management and geotechnical aspects. This brings the total project cost to $555,202.20.
Owl Place rezoning
The commissioners unanimously approved a request by Baseline Engineering Corp. to rezone 4.61 acres from residential rural-5 to commercial service. The property is located at 11745 Owl Place, southwest of the intersection of Meridian Road and Owl Place. After the rezoning is complete, the planned development is anticipated to include a service station, two quick-service restaurants and one car wash, although all allowed uses within the commercial service zoning district would be allowed.
Ivilo minor subdivision
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by Pawel Posorski to subdivide 14 acres into three single-family lots. The property, zoned residential rural-2.5, is located 0.37 miles west of the intersection of Vessey Road and Black Forest Road and 0.15 miles south of the intersection of Vessey Road and Pine Castle Drive.
Owl Ridge minor subdivision
The commissioners unanimously approved a request by SMH Consultants to subdivide 27 acres into two single-family lots. The property, zoned RR-5, is located at 18885 Brown Road, near the intersection of Brown Road and Running Horse View.
Winsome subdivision
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by Winsome LLC for the final plat to create 38 single-family residential lots and five tracts on 349.47 acres zoned RR-5. The property is located at the northwest corner of Hodgen Road and Meridian Road.
Terra Ridge North subdivision
The county commissioners unanimously approved a request by Phillip S. Miles and Jennifer Miles for the final plat to create 11 single-family residential lots and replat two existing single-family residential lots to accommodate the dedication of land for a right-of-way. The 51.65-acre property, zoned RR-5 and RR-2.5, is located about 0.75 miles south of the intersection of Black Forest Road and Hodgen Road.
Falcon Meadows at Bent Grass
The BOCC unanimously approved the partial release of three bonds for Falcon Meadows at Bent Grass. One bond for $1,695, 486.53 is for Filing No. 1, while the other two for $107.174.64 and $635,278.55 are for Filing No. 2. The funds represent the portions of the improvements completed within each filing.
Stonebridge at Meridian Ranch
The commissioners unanimously approved the full release of a bond for Stonebridge at Meridian Ranch Filing No. 4 for $313,981. There are no public improvements to hold for defect warranty.
The Reserve at Corral Bluffs
The BOCC unanimously approved the final release of funds for The Reserve at Corral Bluffs Filing No. 2 for $25,018.40. There are no public improvements to hold for defect warranty.