Road name changeThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution by Public Safety Street Naming to rename a section of Meridian Road to Meridian Sol Drive. The request is a result of the realignment of Meridian Road south of Highway 24, which is no longer considered a logical continuation of the original Meridian Road. The name change has been reviewed and found acceptable by the adjacent property owners, the 9-1-1 Emergency Response Center, the EPC Regional Building Department and the EPC Planning & Community Development Services.Falcon Marketplace subdivisionThe commissioners unanimously approved the preliminary release of bond funds for Falcon Marketplace Subdivision Filing No. 1 for $141,341.42. All improvements have been completed and inspected.The BOCC also unanimously approved the acceptance of certain roads within that same filing into the EPC road maintenance system.Benet Hill Monastery of Colorado Springs/Sanctuary of PeaceThe commissioners unanimously approved the partial release of funds for a letter of credit for the Benet Hill Monastery of Colorado Springs/Sanctuary of Peace for $176,296.89. All improvements have been completed and inspected.McDermott property minor subdivisionThe BOCC unanimously approved a request by Scott McDermott for a minor subdivision to create three single-family residential lots on 29.52 acres, located directly west of Herring Road, about one-quarter of a mile northwest of the intersection of Shoup Road and Herring Road. The property is zoned residential rural-5.Prairie Ridge subdivisionThe commissioners unanimously approved a request by Clovis Point Co LLC for the reconsideration of the final plat to create seven single-family residential lots on 39.77 acres, located on the east side of Brown Road, about one-half-mile north of the Brown Road and Walker Road intersection. The property is zoned RR-5.Terra Ridge North subdivisionThe BOCC unanimously approved a request by Phillip S. and Jennifer Miles to rezone 39.72 acres of property from RR-5 to residential rural-2.5. The property is located about .75 miles south of the intersection of Black Forest Road and Hodgen Road.High View EstatesThe BOCC unanimously approved a request by Compass Surveying and Mapping LLC to create five single-family residential lots on 40 acres, zoned RR-5. The property is located one-half-mile southwest of the Black Forest Road and Walker Road intersection, and north of Hodgen Road.