Falcon Market PlaceThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the partial release of subdivision bond funds for improvements to the Falcon Market Place Subdivision Filing No. 1 for $3,811,390.12. Those funds represent 90% completion of the improvements in that filing, which have been both completed and inspected.Meridian RanchThe commissioners unanimously approved preliminary acceptance of certain streets within the Rolling Hills Ranch No. 1 at Meridian Ranch subdivision into the EPC road maintenance system. All improvements have been completed and inspected.Bent GrassThe BOCC unanimously approved a request by Land First Inc. for the final plat to create six commercial lots, zoned commercial service, on 5.05 acres. The property is located at the southwest corner of the Meridian Park Drive and Bent Grass Meadows Drive intersection, about 350 feet west of Meridian Road.