After serving more than eight years on the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners, Amy Lathen, commissioner for District 2, is resigning to become the executive director for Colorado Springs Forward, a privately funded 501 (c)(6) organization.ìColorado Springs Forward is a broadbased alliance of people and organizations that care deeply and are committed to the success of the Pikes Peak region,î according to the website. The organization was created in 2014 out of frustration with dysfunction and poor performance in local government.Lathen is term-limited; her term on the board ends in January 2017. Knowing that she would be leaving, Lathen said she had been approached by a few organizations with job offers.ìColorado Springs Forward approached me and asked me if I would consider this,î she said. ìThey fall in line with the business and economic development I have been working on for the BOCC.îLathen said she asked Colorado Springs Forward if they would consider holding the position for her until her term ended in January, but CSF needed someone sooner. ìIt is probable that I could do both jobs; and, by law, I could; but it is not the right thing to do,î Lathen said. Her last day with the county is July 11.ìI have always been and always will be a capitalist, and I believe in people creating jobs,î Lathen said. ìCSF members have a variety of different businesses and employ thousands of people throughout the community. These are the people that I want to have a voice in public policy.î