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Black Forest Community Club

The Black Forest Community Clubís winter programs are open to the Black Forest community. The community-oriented programs are held at the historic native log Black Forest Community Center at Shoup and Black Forest roads. Besides holding social events like the Black Forest Festival, the club also sponsors activities to improve the rural Black Forest quality of life.Sponsorships include Boy Scout Troop 70, Cub Scout Troop 70, the Black Forest Land Use Committee, the Transportation Committee, the Forest Chorus and support to the Old Log School and Log School Park.The community center also offers weekly karate classes, yoga classes, jazz combo practices, bi-weekly Black Rose Acoustic Society concerts and the semi-annual arts and craft shows. The community center also hosts weddings and anniversary celebrations plus informative programs keyed to improving the Black Forest lifestyle. The club is a strong supporter of numerous Black Forest nonprofit organizations.Check out the fall and winter activities at the community center.Oct. 25 at 6 p.m.: Oktoberfest, featuring brats, potato salad and all the fixings plus apple and pumpkin dessert competitions. The Shriners Ompah Band will provide entertainment. The cost is $5 per family.Nov.15 at 7 p.m.: Veterans Day program, an observance honoring past and present veteransí service and sacrifices in combat zones, with focus on Fort Carson experience from Iraq and Afghanistan wars.Nov. 29 at 6:30 p.m.: Annual Christmas tree lighting and Santa arrival. Gather around the community Christmas tree on the Log School Park property at the corner of Shoup and Black Forest roads to sing carols and await Santaís arrival. Then, move to the warm community club hall right next door for children to visit with Santa and Mrs. Santa and entertainment by the Pine Creek High School A-cappella chorus. There will be cookies and drink refreshments provided by community club volunteers.Dec. 13 at 6 p.m.: Annual Christmas pot luck dinner. Come and enjoy a joyous Christmas dinner put together by all participants. Enjoy entertainment of seasonal music by the Forest Chorus.

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