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Black Forest AARP Service Activities

The Black Forest AARP Chapter #1100 Day of Service participated in three local projects.Chapter #1100 provided eight conference volunteers and staffed an AARP Divided We Fail Table at the May 14 SAFE (Safe Aging For Everyone) Conference in Colorado Springs. The over 200 seniors who attended this free conference learned how to protect themselves legally and financially from a medical and health standpoint. Driver safety and disaster preparedness instructions, as well as free credit reports were also available at the conference.The chapter co-hosted a local area ElderWatch Fight Fraud, Shred Instead community service event May 17 at the old Black Forest Fire Station. Local residents brought documents to be safely shredded. The approximately 5,500 pounds of shredded paper will be recycled.AARP Chapter #1100 in Black Forest donated $50 each to two local organizations in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of AARP in 1958 by retired educator Ethel Percy Andrus. The donations are intended to commemorate the organization’s tradition of community service and were sent to Silver Key in Colorado Springs in support of their mission to help older adults age safely with dignity and independence, and to the Wolford Elementary School in Black Forest to purchase supplementary summer study materials for needy children.”AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of nearly 40 million members”, said Chapter President Bruce Berner. “It seeks to lead positive social change by harnessing the individual and collective power of its members to make life better for all as they age.”For more information call 495-2176, 488-3152 or 596-6787.

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