The 2020 coronavirus outbreak could not stop AARP Chapter 1100 in Black Forest from remembering the veterans at the Bruce†McCandless Veterans†Community Living Center in Florence, Colorado.†As in past years,†the chapter, in conjunction with†AARP Colorado, teamed up to provide useful items for†the centerís†residents in appreciation for their service to the nation. At the suggestion of the Veterans†Living Center Activity Director Glen Tyler, the chapter provided a variety of†recreational items for the resident veteransí use.†The items†included a variety of fishing equipment†ó six rods and reels with a variety of hooks, sinkers and containers of commercial†bait; three sets of three gardening tools: hand-held†trowels, shovels and rakes; three†watering cans and several pairs of both men and womenís gardening gloves.†Also provided were four regular and two oversize†folding†camp-style chairs, which could be used in a variety of recreational situations. The existing COVID-19 precautions†for person-to-person contact prevented the Black Forest Chapter from presenting†the items in person, as in past years, so the†items were ordered online and†delivered directly to the Florence facility.†Glen Tyler provided photos of the items that were received†on behalf of the McCandless Community†residents by ìJack,î the resident council†president, and ìBill,î the resident council vice president. The Bruce McCandless Veterans Community Living Center at†Florence is a Colorado State Department of Human Services facility.†The Center provides long and†short-term services†and rehabilitation, special programs and many amenities for veterans,†spouses and Gold-Star parents, including their children, and families†with†disabilities.†In the past, Chapter 1100 has provided various items to the Bruce McCandless center. The chapter has provided 35 uniquely designed quilts and 30 wheelchair pouches, in conjunction with AARP ColoradoThe motto of the chapter is ìTo†Serve not to†be Served.î†Contact Candace,†the chapter president, at 314-330-0411 for information about Chapter 1100, which has been designated the best AARP†Chapter in†Colorado for community service for 11 consecutive years.†Photos:AARP Jack: While relaxing comfortably in one of the camp†chairs provided by AARP Chapter 1100 in Black Forest and AARP Colorado, Jack, the Bruce McCandless Veterans†Living Center†resident†council†president, displays some of the fishing items donated to the center in Florence, Colorado.AARP Bill: †Bill is the Bruce McCandless Veterans Living†Center†resident council vice president. He is showing some of the recreational fishing and gardening items provided by AARP Chapter 1100 in Black Forest and AARP Colorado.