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Banning Lewis Academy postpones start of school year

The Banning Lewis Ranch Academy school board voted Aug. 10 to move the start date for the 2006-2007 school year to Sept. 12. The school was originally scheduled to open Aug. 28.Kim Mutchler, Banning Lewis Ranch Management Co. public relations coordinator, said the BLRA school board decided on the change based on recommendations by Golden Triangle Construction, the company hired to build the school, and BLR Management Co.”All parties concerned just felt better about opening two weeks later with everything in place,” Mutchler said.A letter was mailed after the board meeting to notify families of the schedule change. Mutchler said a calendar would be posted on the BLRA Web site.”This new date will assure students of a safe and secure environment – no portable classrooms will be necessary, and all construction will be complete both inside and outside of the structure by Sept. 12,” Mutchler said.Kim Davis, BLRA principal, said everyone involved with BLRA is anxious to get the school year started. “Everyone is putting in a lot of overtime to get everything set. The faculty is working very hard. They are so excited to meet their kids.”Final details being refined before opening day include faculty training, receiving school material and furnishings and planning an upcoming open house.The school administration negotiated an extension in day care services with the YMCA for families that need day care assistance until school starts, Mutchler said.Roads leading into the school also are a priority. Davis said roads are being paved, and the entrance to the school will lead from Marksheffel Road and run east toward the school.”I want our community to know that the academy is strong and solid,” Davis said. “It’s a very exciting time for everyone who is involved. Everyone should be proud to be a part of this school.”Davis said families can check the BLRA Web site for more information.

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