On Nov. 2, ballot issues for Colorado include the following: ∑†††††††Amendment 78: Requirements for Spending Custodial Money: Transfers the power to appropriate custodial funds (state revenue not generated through taxes) from the state treasurer to the state LegislatureProposition 119: Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Program: Creates an out-of-school education program and a board to govern it and increases the marijuana retail sales tax by 5% to partially fund the program††††††Proposition 120: Property Tax Assessment Rate Reduction and Voter-Approved Revenue Change: Reduces the residential and non-residential property tax rates; authorizes the state to retain and spend $25 million in revenue above the state’s†TABOR†spending cap, which it would otherwise be required to refund to taxpayersIssues up for vote in El Paso County include the following:Issue 2C:†TOPS Tax Extension and Increase: 2C revenues complement road maintenance and provide†additional funding needed to stop the trajectory of deteriorating roadsIssue 2D: TABOR Retention: Permits the city of Colorado Springs to retain and spend up to $20,000,000 to create a city wide and regional wildfire mitigation and prevention program to be managed by the Colorado Springs Fire Department.Issue 6B Proposed Colorado Springs Briargate General Improvement District 2021: The ordinance allows for the assessment of a mill levy on real property in each district for the maintenance of certain public improvements on specified medians, rights of way and open space.For more information on Election Day, visit https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/Initiatives/ballot/contacts/2021.html,†https://ballotpedia.org/2021_ballot_measures#By_state,†https://coloradosprings.gov/voterinfo†