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In his monthly column, Dr. Kent Herbert answers your questions related to health care matters. Simply submit your question to Itís your chance to ask the doc.Question: I am a 13-year-old girl and get a lot of bad break outs. Is there something over the counter that could help, or do I need to see a doctor?Skin breakouts are very common in the pre-teen and teenage years, as the skin starts to make more oils. More oils can clog the openings to hair follicles, or pores, leading to pimples and other skin breakouts. Approximately 80 percent of teenagers have significant skin breakouts, and most breakouts are due to acne. Acne and other skin breakouts can range from mild to severe, and almost all are treatable. There are several over-the-counter products that work well, and stronger prescription medications are available when over-the-counter ones donít work.The first step in treating skin breakouts is to prevent them. It is important not to use heavy suntan oils, makeup and other lotions on the skin, as these can clog pores. It is best to gently wash the skin twice daily with your fingertips using a mild soap. Washing more often or hard scrubbing of the skin can cause irritation and make breakouts worse. If you do get a pimple, it is important not to pick at it; this can cause scarring of the skin, which can be permanent.It used to be thought that certain foods can cause skin breakouts, such as chocolate and pizza, but this is no longer thought to be true. Stress was also thought to cause acne, but this also has never been proven.If you get a skin breakout, there are several products that you can try that usually work. There are many different types, but almost all contain one of a few active ingredients. The most common are benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and salicylic acid. Each works a little differently, but they all reduce oils and dry the skin, as well as exfoliate (remove) the top layer of skin. They also work as an antiseptic, killing bacteria that live on the skin. In many people, these bacteria can overgrow in clogged pores, causing large red pimples. Killing the bacteria will greatly help these types of breakouts. When you choose a product, make sure it has one of these active ingredients and not a lot of other things. Some products contain scents or other lotions that can clog pores. Usually a generic product is just as good as a name brand one.In addition to the active ingredient in a skin product, it is important to select the right formulation. Most medications come in creams, gels and lotions. Creams are good for people with dry skin, as they contain moisturizers, and gels are good for people with oily skin, as they are usually drying. Gels can sometimes sting or irritate the skin when they are applied, so they arenít always good for people with sensitive skin. Lotions can be used with either oily or dry skin but can sometimes cause a burning sensation.It is important to note that it may take several months to see the benefit from any skin product, and they need to be used daily. It is usually best to take good care of your skin and to try an over-the-counter product for at least two months; if this doesnít work, or of the breakouts are severe, then you should see your doctor for stronger prescription medications.Kent S. Herbert, M.D.Falcon Family Medicine7641 McLaughlin Rd.Falcon, CO 80831(719) 494-2006(719) 494-8448 faxwww.FalconFamilyMedicine.comBoard-Certified Family PhysicianFamily Family Medicine

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