Every month, I like to research the National whatever months celebrations. There is a day for everything. In March alone, we “celebrate” National Celery Month, National Peanut Month, National Frozen Foods Month, to name a few.
A couple of those national day celebrations for March caught my attention, especially National Potato Chip Day, which is March 14. Who doesn’t like potato chips? Arguably, potato chips have the distinction of being the No. 1 snack in America. Did you know the potato chip was created in 1853 by American chef George Speck (aka George Crum) in Saratoga Springs, New York?
National Puppy Day is March 23. (By the way, Lassie was first introduced to the nation in 1943.) The founder of “Puppy Day” is Colleen Paige. She wanted to invigorate the public to recognize the number of dogs that needed to be rescued each year. Every year, 3.3 million dogs enter shelters and 670,000 are euthanized in the U.S. (2022 statistics). Some of you might wonder why we always give our pet adoption corner to Pyrenees Rescue. It’s because they are the only ones who have been committed to sending in their rescue dogs every month, and they are a great organization based in Peyton. They brought in some sick puppies a few months ago from out of state, so they could use some financial help from the community. Check out their information on Pg.
Daylight Saving Time takes place March 12 — it’s definitely not a celebration. It’s a loss — of sleep! Don’t forget to spring forward! The government for a few years has been talking about making daylight saving time permanent, so far, it’s just talk.
On a disturbing note, in early February, a shooting took place in Meridian Ranch that left two people dead. The news media reported that there was not an immediate threat to the community. The shooting is still under investigation. Although there wasn’t an “immediate threat” to the community, the real threat is watching big city problems come to Falcon — once a quiet, carefree place to live. Growth is usually inevitable, especially in Colorado, and with that growth, Falcon is still a wonderful community, but people are a little more cautious. Many residents, especially those who live in the older parts of Falcon (with acreage) used to leave their doors unlocked. They tell us that’s no longer true.
Finally, John Graham, who is the president of the D 49 Board of Education, has written a column this month. We currently report on the board meetings and other D 49 activities and issues, so John will keep us up to date on happenings within the board.
This month is also St. Patrick’s Day (March 17). So, bring on the green beer!
See you in April.