All members of the El Paso County Colorado School District 49 Board of Education were present for a video conference of the regular meeting in April.Board updateDave Cruson, treasurer, thanked the districtís communications team for facilitating the meeting and communicating with the D 49 community during the coronavirus pandemic. He also thanked Amber Whetstine, executive director of learning services, and her team for getting Chromebooks to the students who needed them. He thanked the nutrition services team for continuing to provide lunches for students across the district.Cruson also said the Falcon Education Foundation fundraising dinner, originally scheduled for April, has been rescheduled for Friday, Sept. 18, at 6 p.m. at the Boot Barn Hall in Colorado Springs.John Koster, director, said he has now seen firsthand how the e-learning process in D 49 works because he has a child in second grade. He thanked Peter Hilts, chief education officer, and the entire staff. ìThey are just doing such a fantastic job,î he said.Rick Van Wieren, secretary, said his wife is a teacher and he has seen how COVID-19 has affected her teaching efforts. ìI have to say, I am in awe of the D 49 staff, of the preparation that has gone into this,î he said.Kevin Butcher, vice president, said he echoes the statements of his fellow board members. He talked about the class of 2020 and the events they are missing; he thanked the students for understanding.John Graham, president, said, ìIt is our job as the leadership to support our people, our staff, our teachers in what they need as far as tools, training, resources so they can get that education going, so that they can get the videos made and do what they need to do to support the community and the students.îGraham also said he spoke to Hilts about possible ways to recognize the students who are graduating this year.Chief officersí updateBrett Ridgway, chief business officer, said he is conducting business as usual. He said everyone in the department has been willing to do what they can to be supportive.Pedro Almeida, chief operations officer, said his department is doing what they can while they work remotely. He also recognized the nutrition services staff ó they reached an all-time high serving more than 1,000 students in one day at the three original food distribution sites. He said the safety and security team is still working to ensure the districtís properties are safe. A few small cases of vandalism have occurred, but nothing major, Almeida said.He said construction on the new addition to the Springs Studio or Academic Excellenceís building, which will ultimately be the new Pikes Peak Early College site, is on schedule.Action itemsThe BOE unanimously approved the following:
- A resolution declaring May 4 ñ May 8 as Teacher Appreciation Week
- Expansion of the applied and advanced learning specialist position to full-time
- Revision of the policy regarding weighted grading to provide weighted credit for the successful completion of a professional industry certification
- Updated job descriptions for the school nurse, school psychologist and board certified behavior analyst positions
- The new behavior support assistant job description
- Revision of the senior accountant job description
- A waiver by the Rocky Mountain Classical Academy from the districtís armed security policy to allow RMCA to hire a private security company to provide an armed security presence on the campus
- The alternative education campus renewal applications and proposed measures for GOAL Academy and Patriot High School
- The district and school unified improvement plans
- Revisions to the following policies: electronic participation in school board meetings; use of vehicles on district business; portability of non-probationary status; administrative staff assignments and transfers; resignation of instructional staff/administrative staff; discipline, suspension and dismissal of professional staff; and physical activity
- Supplemental budgets for Power Technical Early College, RMCA and Grand Peak Academy