The Falcon Professional Development League sponsored another candidate forum at its October meeting. Squaring off were Republican candidate Douglas Bruce, Democratic candidate Stanley Hildahl and write-in candidates Jim Day and Bob Null.The debate sparked a few flames between Bruce and Null (and a $500 bet on who authored the Tabor Amendment – the bet never came to fruition), but President Dr. Scott Miller hosed them down when the arguments got a bit heated.Here are a couple of highlights from the audience’s questions.Thoughts on incorporation:Bruce: It’s up to the community; I do not support city annexation.Null: I don’t have enough knowledge about the issue to form an opinion.Hildahl: I am open to it, although we shouldn’t rush into it.Day: I am for incorporation. Why would you want to give the tax base to Colorado Springs? As soon as we get large enough, they will want to annex us. We need to control our own fire and security issues.Property rightsBruce: People should be able to develop their own property – use it as they see fit.Null: Everyone has property rights, including the developers.Hildahl: What are rural community rights? If you are in an area with a certain size property, you don’t want a city cropping up next to you.Day: I believe in property rights, but it doesn’t give anyone the right to junk your property. And development is going to happen, but it has to be smart.The bottom line: Bruce is against the proposed tax increases (fire department and school district) on the ballot this year and the other three support them. If Bruce wins the vote, he’ll focus on monies necessary for roads and law enforcement.The one common thread among all candidates was ensuring government efficiency – a promise to be determined in February, when the winner takes office.