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Letters to the Editor

An end to an era

A few months ago, I noticed I was the proud owner of many half-finished projects. Some have been stuck in my computer for years. I clicked on one and heard a frightful scream. “Let me out!”Unfortunately, I’m no good at multitasking. So I will no longer be writing monthly columns for The New Falcon Herald. But I wish to thank owner Michelle Barrette and Contributing Editor Marylou Doehrman for creating The New Falcon Herald and giving me the opportunity to express my views. My “Wild Hare” columns are hardly mainstream, and I may be the only book reviewer who ever bashed Jodi Picoult. So, these women bravely went where few other publishers dared tread – into the world of unconventional opinions.Editor Deb Stumpf supplied a steady stream of laughs, which made my job a lot easier. And some of the reporters actually restored my faith in humanity. You can belong to different political parties and still have intelligent conversation about the issues!During my time with the NFH, I’ve heard from a lot of readers, and I’m happy to say the worst thing I’ve been called is a “Femi-Nazi.” Most of you were much nicer, and I loved the compliments! But the remarks I will always treasure came from those who didn’t necessarily like my opinions.A handful of readers said, “I don’t always agree with your views, but your columns make me think.” To them, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks; that was my objective.With sincere appreciation,Kathy Hare

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