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Amy Lathen appointed to fill vacant county commissioner seat

Jan. 19, the Falcon Republican Party vacancy committee appointed Amy Lathen to replace Douglas Bruce as El Paso County commissioner for District 2.Lathen received 48 votes on the first ballot. Two other nominees, Michael Burton and Ken Bull, received 23 and 14 votes, respectively. A majority of 44 votes was required to win the appointment.Rep. Marsha Looper (R-Calhan) nominated Lathen and Kathy Hare, the vacancy committee’s vice chairperson seconded the nomination. El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa spoke in favor of Lathen, and commissioners Dennis Hisey and Jim Bensberg joined Lathen supporters on the stage for her nomination.Eight-six members of the vacancy committee, which is comprised of about 130 precinct leaders, attended the meeting.Prior to the vote, all candidates spoke about their ideas and plans if appointed.Lathen promised to advocate for roads, water rights and safety and to work closely with Sheriff Maketa. She said she would oppose all taxes disguised as fees and form a citizens’ advisory committee on animal control issues.”I will protect our freedom with everything I’ve got,” Lathen said. “We need to make smart long-term decisions to manage growth. We need to remove over-burdensome code(s) that stifle small business. We need to weigh the benefits of growth against our water supply. I must convince two other commissioners to vote with me. Government needs to get out of the way so you can prosper.”In her acceptance speech, Lathen said, “You have put your trust in me, and I will be listening to you. Thank you very much.” Lathen said she expects to be sworn in Jan. 31.Not without controversyBefore the nominations, Gary Garcia, chairman of the El Paso County Republican Party, read a statement in response to Douglas Bruce’s letter to the vacancy committee in which he criticized Lathen for lying and flip-flopping about whether she would vote in favor of a tax increase.Garcia said Bruce’s letter was “in violation of the Republican Party’s code of ethical campaigning.” He added, “Mr. Bruce’s letter is not reflective of the way Republican leaders in El Paso County ought to be conducting themselves. Let us have respectful campaigning.”After the vote, newly appointed Colorado Rep. Douglas Bruce defended his letter to the vacancy committee as truthful. He then summarized his years as county commissioner: “I am proud to report I kept all of my promises all the time. I took the pledge to never vote to raise your taxes.”Bruce also defended the incident at the Legislature where he allegedly kicked a photographer who was taking pictures during a public prayer.”The cameraman stepped on my family Bible, which was open to my favorite passage, ‘You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free,'” Bruce said.”The irony is that I was trying to preserve the decorum of the house. I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of.”Meeting extrasU.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn attended the vacancy committee meeting and announced a new federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office in Colorado Springs, which will be staffed with two to 10 investigators. Lamborn said he’ll make an announcement Feb. 4 about running for re-election.County Commissioner Wayne Williams announced that Woodmen Road will be four lanes from Powers Boulevard to Highway 24 by the end of 2008. “Construction should start in a few months,” he said.

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