Meow, Meow! My name is Rochelle; and, as you can see from my picture, I’m a beautiful Snowshoe kitty. I’m about 3 years old, and I was rescued from a hoarding situation, where I was kept in a kennel for most of my life. I’m still a little scared from that experience, but I’m very sweet once I get to know you. I’m spayed,†current on my vaccinations and microchipped.†My adoption fee is†$75.If you would like to meet me, please go to††and fill out an adoption application first.†If you would like to know more about me, please contact Wild Blue at 719-964-8905 or 719-213-1127.Happy note: Evans, the March kitty, has been adopted, and two other kitties were adopted after an NFH reader called about Evans. Thank you, readers!Wild Blue Animal Rescue and Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, based in Black Forest. A complete list of their animals available for adoption can be found at