Meows everyone! Our names are Olympus (with the white bib) and Ozark.†We were formerly known as Calvin and Hobbs and†were rescued by Wild Blue from a†bad situation in Texas, where we were kept in a cage most of our lives. We aren’t ashamed to say that we were scared†at first†ó but†we’re doing†better now. We really†need to be adopted together to a†home with patient people who will give us time to adjust.†We are neutered, microchipped and up to date on our vaccinations. We are special needs: Olympus only has one front leg, so†our adoption fee is negotiable. If you would like to meet†us, please contact Wild Blue at 719-964-8905 or 719-213-1127.††Wild Blue Animal Rescue and Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, based in Black Forest. A complete list of their animals available for adoption can be found at