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News Briefs

AARP Chapter #1100

Rita Fitzpatrick HonoredThe July meeting of the Black Forest AARP Chapter honored Rita Fitzpatrick, who received the National AARP Chapter and REA†Unit Community Service Award. Black Forest hapter was Chapter President, Charles Karlstrum,†Black Forest Chapter president, and Ted Lunacek, awards committee chairman, presented the award.† † † † †The letter accompanying the award from AARP headquarters in Washington D.C., co-signed by Jeannine English, AARP president, and†Jo Ann C. Jenkins, AARP chief executive officer, read in part, ìAARP is delighted to recognize you with this award and commemorative†pin for all the good you have done in your community over the past year. Your efforts have enriched the lives of friends and neighbors and†made your community a better place to live.î† † † † †Rita Fitzpatrick joined the Black Forest AARP Chapter in 2014. Since then, she has been very active in chapter activities. As chapter†chair for the legislative committee, she has kept the membership appraised of the items before the Colorado State Legislature by†repeatedly traveling to Denver to attend Legislature sessions. Closer to home, her accomplishments include being on the†chapter board of directors. In addition, she was active in the 2015 annual shredding project, worked with the membership to help set up the†annual 500 seat Senior Resource Council Holiday Dinner Dance, as well as the chapter annual Day of Service food drive. As an active†chapter member, she also helped furnished table decorations for the monthly potluck luncheons and continues to volunteer for many†chapter activities information booths and community service projects.† † † † †Individuals of all ages interested in participating in activities that contribute to the welfare of people and people-oriented†organizations should consider joining the Black Forest AARP Chapter. Members socialize, learn about issues important to mature†individuals, enjoy meals together ñ- even those with special dietary restrictions ñ- and volunteer to support projects in the interest of the†community. The motto of the chapter is ìTo Serve, Not to be Served.î†Contact Chuck at 719-749-9337 for more information.

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