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AARP Chapter 11 news

Stephen Blucher of Colorado Springs†has been presented with an annual AARP Chapter & REA Unit Community Service†Award for 2020, based on 2019 activities. The award included a trophy and a†certificate signed by Jo Ann C. Jenkins, AARP chief executive†officer. The award presentation, delayed by the COVID-19†pandemic, was recently presented to Stephen virtually by Black Forest AARP†Chapter†1100 President Candace Lehmann on behalf of the AARP CEO. The following are examples of Stephenís contributions to the local community:†he has served in a superior manner†as an AARP driver safety instructor for more than†22 consecutive years.†During 2019, alone, he instructed 303 students.†Stephen has also served the community through his extensive support to AARP Chapter 1100 in Black†Forest.†He†assisted the chapter at the Black Forest Festival booth by handing out AARP information. He also assisted†the 300-plus individuals in June who brought items to the chapterís free shredding event.†Stephen volunteered at the SRC†Holiday Dinner Dance in November†2019, which hosted more than 500 people at the†Colorado Springs Civic Auditorium.†His service also included working with several charitable projects that benefited the community. Stephen is a member of the elite†AARP Chapter Advisory Team, a branch of the AARP National Office of Volunteer†Engagement in Washington D.C.†The†Chapter Advisory Team is†dedicated to†working with chapters throughout the United States to help them be more viable, effective†and responsive to local community needs.†His contributions throughout the years†have contributed†significantly to the good reputation of AARP Chapter 1100 and†to the general positive image of AARP as a whole.† The Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 is still not meeting or participating in community service events until the end of March at the earliest.

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