Drivers Safety Class
There will be an AARP Drivers Safety class on Oct. 26, noon to 4 p.m. at the Black Forest Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 12455 Black Forest Road in Colorado Springs. The cost is $20 for AARP members, and $25 for non-members. Payment by cash or check only. Call 710-597-5683 to register for the class.
2023 Military Retiree/Spouse Appreciation Day
Chapter 1100 of AARP in Black Forest participated in the Military Retiree/Spouse Appreciation Day at Peterson Space Force Base on Sept. 23. It was the first recognition day observed there since the pandemic began five years ago.
The day began with an extensive breakfast followed by the official start of events: the presentation of the colors and the National Anthem. The military brass quintet stayed for a long while afterward in the vendor area to serenade the large turnout. Several service organizations also provided key presentations in rooms adjacent to the vendor area.
Fifty-five vendors, including Chapter 1100, participated. The vendors presented all kinds of information, from insurance, medical and banking to the many community service and military retirement organizations from all branches of the Armed Forces. Many door prizes were provided throughout the day to lucky ticket holders.
Photo by Stan Beckner
AARP Photo: AARP Chapter 1100 members Ray and Lin Rozak are shown on Sept. 23 at the Black Forest AARP Chapter table at the 2023 Southern Colorado All Services Military Retiree/Spouse Appreciation Day at the HUB on Peterson SFB.