General Articles

A tough pill to swallow – or not

The top story in national news is the health care reform bill. The bill, described as “historic legislation,” is estimated to cost $940 billion over a decade and could affect nearly every American, including more than 30 million uninsured people.The comprehensive legislation would forbid insurance companies from denying coverage to anyone with a pre-existing medical condition. The bill also mandates that in a few years almost all Americans will have to purchase an all-inclusive insurance plan. Will this bill be the solution to what seems to be an ongoing problem? That is yet to be seen. Maybe the question elected officials should be asking Americans is this month’s Streetwise question: Is health care a right or a privilege?

Teresa Hartsell
Colorado Springs
I do feel one of the reasons why people work is so they can have good health care coverage. But I do believe that innocent people deserve health care and should not be denied. My sister was on “the system” (Medicaid). She was diagnosed in April and passed away in June at the age of 50. And I am certain that if she had had better health care, she would still be alive today. It is a right to (have) health care.

Martha Clingman
Colorado Springs
In a country as prosperous and generous to others as ours, even given our present economic challenges, all of our citizens have a right to basic health care. It is not OK for anyone to get sick (or sicker) because they do not have the personal resources at the time to access appropriate health care. We are a great nation who is always willing to help those outside of our borders. Isn’t it time we respected individuals in our country by providing help when they are in need?

Jodi Fletcher
Colorado Springs
I think it is a right to have basic health care. We should be able to provide citizens with affordable health care. Not a free ride, but affordable health care. My parents go to Mexico to buy their prescription drugs simply because it is cheaper. I’m not a fan of big government programs so I think this is something that could be taken care of at a state level. Massachusetts is a great example. We should be able to take care of our own people. We always come to the aid of the world. We need to start making Americans a priority.

Sheri McGrew
I think it is a right, but I don’t think it’s necessarily free. You need to be held accountable for your own health and the benefits that you receive. There has to be a buy in. It’s a right, but it’s not automatic.

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