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Health and Wellness

A perfect expansion

David Corder, owner of Perfect Fit, has perfected not only his wellness and exercise skills but also his business skills. He is expanding his facility on Highway 24 from 1,800 square feet to 7,500 in the spirit of his goal to create a center that addresses all sides of the wellness triangle: body mind and spirit.To celebrate the January opening, Corder is planning an open house the weekend of Jan. 12. Friday night is an invitation only gala, with an open house for the community scheduled on Saturday and Sunday.Corder is a personal trainer with an impressive list of certifications and achievements and experiences that include stage performances as a dancer and a two-year stint with the Pittsburgh Pirates. He opened Perfect Fit in Falcon in January 2005. In two years, he said he’s ahead of his long-range plan.The theme of his center is reminiscent of the old west. Highlighting the exterior of his main building, a Quonset hut, which can be viewed from the highway, is an artistic rendition of a turn of the century storefront.Inside the Quonset hut is an aerobics studio, two locker rooms, a new massage therapy studio and a 1,200-square-foot gym with all the equipment one needs to work on sculpting and shaping the body. Corder will offer yoga classes and group exercises in the aerobics studio.A new building is under construction that will connect the Quonset hut with the existing building where Corder trains his clients. The newer area will house cardio equipment and televisions, a floor exercise area and a peace walk, a walkway and sitting area. The walkway features sketches and sculptures depicting wellness and the diverse beauty of nature, from the tropical, complete with gardens and waterfalls, to the forests to the desert. A sculpture of St. Francis awakens the spirituality within while a statue of a phoenix represents rebirth from the ashes, Corder said. A pond, a reading area with a T.V. and fireplace complete the picture.A cabin-like office within the Quonset hut will appear to be a totally different building, Corder said. The office will accommodate visiting professionals like a doctor or nutritionist.Corder has rallied local experts to add to the overall wellness experience. A psychologist, a physician, a registered nurse, a spiritual counselor, a financial counselor and a nutritionist will be available as needed and onsite occasionally.He plans to rally his members as well. Corder said anyone who wants to reach out each quarter to participate in a community project can join “Team Perfect Fit.” “We will be working on projects like coats for kids, walking for breast cancer … I want to get people involved,” he said.A special program for the elderly is in the works. Silver Sneakers, sponsored by Horizon Health Care and Secure Horizons, supplemental Medicare insurance, pays for gym memberships for individuals 65 plus.If Corder isn’t busy with his expansion and personal training that includes online sessions with members worldwide, he is busy promoting his new DVD, which is a video he recently completed featuring a 10-minute body alignment and posture building movement.”I have a plan – it’s a pathway … a choice you have to make,” Corder said. He follows the plan – one that allows him to help others. “We cannot take care of other people unless we are capable of taking care of ourselves first.”Membership to the gym is reasonable at $30 a month. Visit the Perfect Fit Web site at

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