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Health and Wellness

A New Outlook for a New Year

Are you ready for health and wellness? Do you even want to be healthy? Often, we all hear sad stories of the tragic death or illness of a seemingly healthy individual. We are shocked that their life could take such a drastic change and we see how it affects them and their loved ones. But one’s health does not change overnight. When people don’t take proper care of themselves for a long enough period, eventually the body starts to function improperly, and eventually the first symptoms appear. The absence of symptoms does not mean you are healthy, but the presence of symptoms definitely means there is something wrong. Symptoms are not to be ignored.Why is it that most people wait until it is too late to start thinking about health? When people are diagnosed with the unthinkable, prayers are said, promises are made; anything is done to try to give them more time. Some people are given a second chance and they do all they can to take responsibility for their health. Other people fall back into the same dangerous way of thinking and do nothing to remain healthy.The majority of us are born with a perfectly healthy body. It is our responsibility to take care of it. If we do not, we end up with disease and illness. Disease takes time. Nobody wakes up suddenly with cancer or heart disease. For the most part, disease is an accumulation of a person not taking responsibility for his or her own health. Eating poorly all the time, too much stress, smoking and drinking excessively, not exercising and taking needless over-the-counter medications and drugs contribute to a diseased body over time.The nervous system controls the function of every organ, tissue, cell and system in your body. Spinal nerve stress is another contributing factor to your body not working properly because misalignments in your spine lower your body’s immunity and cause your internal systems to function at less than 100 percent of their ability. Is your spine in line? Is your nervous system functioning at its optimum? Without a chiropractic spinal check up, you will not know for sure.Does the pursuit of health mean life should be all bean sprouts, mineral water, aerobics classes and chiropractic spinal adjustments? No. But they should all be a part of a well-rounded program on the path to wellness. With the passing of each year, most people make their resolutions for January 1, and by February or March, they have fallen by the wayside.I say it is time for all of us to try to do at least one thing better, not for the New Year, but for a new you. No time for exercise? Try a 10-minute walk four times a week; it will get your cardiovascular system revved. Chances are, when this short duration becomes a habit, you’ll gladly find a way to make more time. Try to drink more water if it is not a staple of your day already. Have a least a small glass before you eat or drink anything. Flavor it if you need to, but get used to plain water. There is nothing better. Change your diet. Cut out one thing you know is not good for you – sugar. Add something better for you – vegetables. Just go one day at a time. Each day that you can get through a change means you are one day closer to building newer, better habits.It is time for us to take responsibility for our health and the health of our children. Are you ready for health and wellness? Do you want to be healthy? I hope so because I want us all to be healthier. The time is now. Best wishes for a happy holiday and a happy and healthy New Year!Palmer

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