Spring has sprung, and it’s time for a bit of spring house cleaning. We’ll start with sweeping up a couple of problem areas we were responsible for this last month.Perhaps it would be inappropriate or downright insulting to tell you that the invoices many of our subscribers mistakenly received this past month also were April Fools’ Day jokes. OK, it’s not funny, so let’s just stick to this: We are very sorry for the inconvenience and confusion caused by invoices that were mistakenly sent to many of you who had already paid your subscription cost. It was a waste of your time, paper and stamps.And we are certain many of you who had already paid for your subscriptions and received those bogus invoices probably didn’t bother to call us. We hope you ignored them and forgave the wrongful mailing (we are still trying to determine why those invoices were sent).Anyway, your previous payments have been posted, and again we apologize. And please note that your subscription runs for one year from the month in which your newspaper is received. For the majority of you who came on board during our subscription “blitz,” Jan. 1 is your run date.On another “we’re sorry” note, our phone system was down from March 8 through March 14. No one could leave a message, so we apologize for that, too.One more: We’re void of Falcon school sports information this month because our writer, David Verdu, was busy coaching his Doherty High School girls’ basketball team to the Final Four. We’re sorry about that, and we’ll be back on track next month. But congrats to Dave and his basketball team.I think that is all we have to apologize for this month.On the good side of life, we’d like to mention that Kathy Hare is now our coordinating editor. Kathy will be assisting us with administrative and editorial tasks. You can reach Kathy through our phone line at 683-7292 or by e-mail at kathyh@newfalconherald.com.As always, we are grateful to our entire crew of NFH writers, sales staff, designers, distribution staff and everyone else who works with and supports us. We’re getting some good feedback for our efforts, thanks to everyone. And we’re moving along – we’re still looking at options to increase our distribution beyond monthly. Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy this month’s NFH. Happy Spring!-Michelle & Marylou
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