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Letters to the Editor

Another D 49 view

Regarding the recent announcement of diverting construction dollars and using these funds to hire another administrator, we are objecting to the superintendent’s wish to override his promise to the district that all funds would go to the building of schools.If the superintendent chooses to play games with the voters, maybe it is time for him to move on, as many in the district have lost confidence in him. This would not be the end of Falcon School District 49, as we have seen a constant stream of superintendents come and go. It appears as though boards are searching for “PhD’s” with no thought to a person’s honesty.It is also time for certain board members to make their voices heard and remember their promises to the taxpayers. They are our elected representatives, and should put the taxpayers who put them in office ahead of intimidation by the superintendent.We that voted against the mill levy override wonder how the people feel that voted for it, and now find that they have been lied to.Dick & Shirley AyerElbert

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