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The Bookmans name their snow baby!

Last month the NFH featured the first snow season baby born in Falcon. At the time, mom and dad couldn’t decide on a name. Well, they did, and the NFH is glad to announce once again … Jonathan Whitefield Bookman.Read on for a bit of history on his namesake. (From Dad Bookman)Jonathan Edwards was an early 18th century Puritan preacher in New England who was the instrument God used to begin the “Great Awakening” revival in America. He delivered the most famous sermon in church history, excluding those in the Bible: “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God.” A father of 11, of all of Jonathan Edwards’ known male descendants more than 300 became pastors, missionaries or theological professors. Another 120 descendents became college professors, 110 became attorneys, 60 were prominent authors, 30 became judges and 14 served as presidents of universities or colleges. Three descendents served in the U. S. Congress, and one became the vice president of the United States.George Whitefield (pronounced Whit-field), was an early 18th century puritan evangelist who came from England to America. He preached to millions on hillsides and in village squares. Benjamin Franklin estimated the crowds listening to Whitefield were as high as 30,000. Whitefield, along with Edwards, were the two key figures in the revival in England, Scotland and America. Whitefield remains the most powerful preacher in history … until now … now that we have Falcon’s own Jonathan Whitefield Bookman.

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