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Health and Wellness

Scoliosis and Chiropractic

Our spinal column is made up of 24 movable bones. As the bones stack up on each other, there are four curves normally found when we look at the spine from a side view. When we look at the spine from front to back, we want to see a straight line.Scoliosis is a sideways curving of the spine that usually starts in childhood while the bones are still growing. Any sideways curvature is abnormal. Most often, the exact cause of scoliosis is unknown, and many times it goes undetected for a long time.Scoliosis can, however, be detected at times by studying one’s posture. Many parents notice an uneven shoulder height or a low hip that may cause clothing to fit oddly, or a hemline that just won’t level. When neglected, which unfortunately happens too often, scoliosis can progress steadily. This can lead to having to take drastic measures, such as attaching metal rods to the spine to aid in straightening it.Chiropractic utilizes different methods to make corrections to the spine. First, an examination at an early age can help detect scoliosis in its early stages. If such a situation exists, correction can begin through a course of chiropractic adjustments designed to improve the structure and function of the spine. As spinal changes occur, muscles strengthen and posture can improve.Scoliosis doesn’t only cause physical and emotional pain; if it progresses, it can also begin to have detrimental effects on organ function, like your heart and lungs. Having your child’s spine checked on a regular basis should become as routine as having their eyes, ears and teeth checked.Palmer Chiropractic494-1395www.palmer-chiropractic.comNext month: Focus on health & wellness – start making those New Year’s resolutions now!

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