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Letters to the Editor

On development

How is the city of Falcon going to look? You have homes being built around the businesses like Sonic and the small shopping center. Across Woodman, you have homes going up, as I understand around 200 or more, with no lots and a bank being built with a car wash already there.Seems to me the builders of the homes don’t care where they build as long as they get as many homes as possible to make more money. It looks to me like all the damage has been done. Businesses have no place to go but spread out to other areas.Maybe we do need to incorporate and stop all the random building and get organized because it is obvious that the city of Colo. Springs planning commission or county commissioners don’t care how our town looks. I say make sure all businesses in the Falcon area, including Wal-Mart, if they come, are within the city limits of Falcon so we can get sales taxes off all, not just one.Builders – let’s get it together – stop all the nonsense – let’s have a nice town.Luella TrippFalcon

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