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Health and Wellness

Using your brain to protect your head

School is out and summer is here, or so the calendar says. Warmer weather, longer days and lots of free time means increased outdoor activity.Bike riders, skateboarders, in-line skaters and scooters are all around and head protection is of utmost importance to keep us all safe. You always need a helmet whenever you ride because you can expect to crash at some point in time. Even a low speed fall off a bicycle can result in a head injury. Head injuries cause 75 percent of our 800-plus annual deaths from bicycle crashes. Research shows that a bicycle helmet can prevent 85 percent of cyclists’ head injuries. While helmets are not required by law in Colorado, they can prevent a horrible injury.A helmet should have a strong strap that keeps it on your head after the first impact (should you be hit by a car); for the second impact (the street). It should be easy to adjust properly and it should be designed to encourage a good fit without excessive fiddling. Once adjusted, the helmet should stay put. It should be comfortable to wear and light, cool and unobtrusive, but highly visible to a motorist both day and night.A helmet is supposed to reduce the force of a major impact. To do this it should sit tight on your head so it needs a strong strap and an equally strong fastener. It should sit level on your head and cover as much as possible. Keep the strap comfortably snug when riding.Children need helmets! Even if an injury is not life threatening, a fall can deliver a debilitating injury, which may be far worse than the physical pain of scraped skin or even broken bones. A brain injury can cause permanent personality changes and learning disabilities. Common long-term effects can include difficulty concentrating, aggressiveness, headaches and balance problems. Lots of heartaches are avoided by wearing a helmet. (A child under the age of one has neck muscles that are not strong enough to support the weight of a helmet. It is not recommended a child that young wear a helmet).Lead by example. Many parents have their child wear a helmet, but choose not to wear one themselves. At some point, just telling your children to wear their helmet won’t work anymore. Peer pressure takes over and it is no longer “in” to wear it. If you demonstrate the importance of a helmet’s use, then you are teaching your child a valuable lesson for their future. Let your child pick out a helmet he or she likes. They come in various colors or adorned with all kinds of characters.A helmet can be purchased for a reasonable amount of money in almost any discount store or bike shop. While a good shop will help with fitting, and fit is important for safety, a discount helmet can be equally protective if you take the time to fit it carefully on your child or yourself. Heads grow slower than legs and feet, so you should not have to replace a helmet every year. Many helmets come with foam fitting pads to help adjust the fit accordingly. The fitting pads do not affect the impact protection of the helmet – that is provided by the firmer foam that makes up the helmet itself.Replace any helmet involved in a crash. Impact crushes some of the foam, even if the damage is not readily visible. Helmets today work so well that you will need to examine them for marks and dents. Check your equipment periodically and replace if it seems worn or inadequate.Children should always be instructed to remove their helmet before playing on playground equipment or trees where a helmet can snag and choke them. Any individual participating in more aggressive skating or skateboarding activities should utilize a helmet designed for that particular sport as they have their own standards.Pick out a helmet. Help your child choose one. Learn how to wear it properly. Teach your child how to fasten it correctly. Then be sure when the family heads out on the bike trail that you all wear them – for good health!Palmer

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