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Health and Wellness

Patients Rights: things you may not know

The “Patient’s Bill of Rights” was adopted in 1988 by the U.S. Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry.Many patients do not know what their rights are at the time of an injury or illness, and they end up learning the hard way.Knowing your rights can save a lot of hassle and heartache.You have the right to accurate and easily understood information about your health care plan, the health care professionals and the health care facilities. If you speak another language, have a physical or mental disability or don’t understand something, assistance will be provided so you can make informed health care decisions. The best advocate for your rights as a patient is YOU. More often than not, you as patient have to advocate for your own treatment, so get educated about your condition so that you can ask pertinent questions at the time of injury or illness.You have the right to a choice of health care providers so there is sufficient access to appropriate high-quality health care. Your insurance company will dictate where you may go for your health care needs. Health maintenance organizations tend to limit the choice of providers more so than preferred provider organizations. Health care providers are creatures of habit and refer, out of habit and familiarity, services, such as x-ray, physical and occupational therapy. You have the right to choose who you see for your health care needs regardless of where your physician recommends you go for treatment.You have the right to receive screening and stabilization emergency services whenever and wherever needed if you have severe pain, an injury or sudden illness and you feel that your health is in serious jeopardy. These services should be provided without prior authorization or financial penalty. Instead of going to the emergency room, try urgent care facilities when appropriate and convenient. Most of these facilities have x-ray, ultrasound and emergency services available. You may walk in or make an appointment to be seen the same day, and generally your wait time is much less than an emergency room.You have the right to know your treatment options and to participate in decisions about your care. Parents, guardians, family members or other individuals you designate can represent you if you cannot make your own decisions.You have a right to considerate, respectful and nondiscriminatory care from your doctors, health plan representatives and other health care providers.You have the right to talk in confidence with health care providers and to have your health care information protected. You also have the right to review and copy your own medical record and request that your physician change your record if it is not accurate, relevant or complete.You have the right to a fair, fast and objective review of any complaint you have against your health plan, doctors, hospitals or other health care personnel. This includes complaints about waiting times, operating hours, the conduct of health care personnel and the adequacy of health care facilities.If you have further questions about your rights, visit or more information, contact Falcon Physical Therapy at 495-3133.

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