Falcon kids have an opportunity this spring to play baseball with the Falcon Youth Baseball Organization (FYBO). This year, 170 kids are registered to play, a 35 percent increase from last year.Though the formal registration period is over, Larry Anderson, president of FYBO, said the organization will accept applications throughout the season. The organization includes five divisions, from t-ball to junior division, encompassing kids ages five through 14. Registration fees range from $50 to $65, depending on the player’s age.FYBO is a member of the High Plains Little League, and the teams mostly play teams within the league. Away games are played at Elbert, home games are played at fields in Falcon, and occasionally there will be games scheduled with other leagues in the Pikes Peak Region.The FYBO normal schedule includes two games and one practice per week, each requiring about two hours. Parent volunteers are not required to be volunteers, but, should they choose to volunteer, they are appreciated and utilized as coaches, assistant coaches, field maintenance workers, snack bar workers and more. The High Plains Little League organization provides the umpires.Anderson attributes much of the FYBO’s success to a good working relationship with District 49. Falcon High School has provided coaching clinics for parent volunteer coaches and youth baseball clinics for the players “I am extremely pleased with District 49 and the high school staff,” Anderson said. “I’ve been involved in youth baseball for more than 20 years, and this is the best participation I’ve ever seen by a high school athletic program.”FYBO also leases ball fields from D 49. Teams of 9 years of age through 12 play at Falcon High School, and 13 and 14 year-olds play at Falcon Middle School. Younger players – ages 5, 6 and 7 – play at Falcon Elementary School on a field nearing completion. Meeske Custom Excavating donated the materials and services to build the ball field on District 49 land.FYBO is actively seeking corporate sponsors, and costs range from $150 to $400. Companies that sponsor a team have their logo imprinted on the players’ uniforms, receive an advertising banner at the ball field, a recognition plaque for their business, and, Anderson said, the undying gratitude of FYBO organizers and players.The organization also needs space. FYBO is rapidly outgrowing its fields, and The entire Falcon community is invited to FYBO’s opening day ceremonies, which will be held April 23 at the new ball field at Falcon Elementary School. All of the organization’s teams and coaches will be present.For more information, visit www.highplainsll.com for league schedules and standings. For more information on Falcon Youth Baseball Organization, visit www.fybo.org.
Spring means baseball for Falcon kids
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