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Health and Wellness

Fever is your friend

One of the most common reasons a parent seeks medical attention for their child is the presence of fever. It is also one of the most misunderstood biological functions. Concern stems from the belief that fever is a disease itself rather than a symptom or sign that the body is adapting to a particular situation. A fever can actually alert you to the fact that something may be wrong.Fever is usually caused by an infection. When the brain detects an intruder, it raises the core temperature of our body to kill the invading organism. Viruses that cause colds and other respiratory infections thrive at cool temperatures. By producing fever, your body is trying to eliminate these organisms as quickly as possible. The body is mobilizing its own defenses to fight off disease.It is important to understand fever and its function in health to help care for your child more effectively, as well as for yourself. Fever is a normal function of an immune system working its hardest. It is not necessarily a bad thing. A fever increases the number of white blood cells that kill infected To treat fever, to intentionally lower it, does not treat the cause of the fever. Suppressing a fever, even though it may make an individual more comfortable, may actively prolong the duration of the condition the body is trying to rid itself of. In Pharmacotherapy, December 2000; 20:1417-1422 mentions a study that reported flu sufferers who took an anti-fever medication were sick an average of 3.5 days longer than those who did not take medications. Additionally, with fever suppression we usually see a greater reoccurrence in the future. Fever helps rid the body of infection – that is the purpose for producing the fever. To decrease it may not be in the patient’s best interest.A fever is a powerful part of the immune system. It facilitates a stronger immune response, interferes with viral or bacterial growth, and inactivates Often, it is perfectly normal for a child’s temperature to range between 97 and 99.4 F. Temperature varies during the course of the day and external factors can influence temperature, too: overdressing, physical exertion and Neither the presence nor the height of a fever indicates how serious the illness causing it may be or what course of action should be taken. Children can generally tolerate higher temperatures (105*). Fever rarely goes higher than 106* because the body has produced the fever to protect itself, not to It is imperative to keep individuals well hydrated because they need the fluid to sweat out, so the body can lower the fever. Additionally, you do not want to overdress or use too many blankets – heat cannot escape the body in this situation. A fever that remains high should be examined to determine the cause. Trying to bring down a fever may be masking the underlying cause.Some guidelines for dealing with fever:

  • Dress accordingly: Keep warm if you feel chilly, uncover if you feel hot.
  • Keep hydrated: Use water, broths, drinks with electrolytes. Keep offering small, frequent sips. If breastfeeding, nurse often! Stay away from sugary drinks. Sugar is like a breeding ground for infection.
  • No need for solids if not hungry.
  • Rest – an opportunity to repair and rebuild
  • Chiropractic spinal evaluation – The nervous system is the regulator of the immune system. When one or more vertebrae of the spinal column move out of normal alignment, it results in what we call nerve interference. In the instance of fever, if the message a nerve sends is disturbed because of nerve interference, chemical imbalance occurs and the body will function less efficiently – its ability to fight off an infection is diminished. Chiropractors evaluate the spine to reveal these misalignments, and correcting the nerve interference will help your body return to normal function.
As your body reaches its new desired temperature, you may feel hot. As temperatures return to normal, you may sweat because the body is getting rid of the excess heat. It is not advisable to bathe, either tub or sponge, to bring down a fever. This process short circuits the natural means of radiating heat and can lead to a rapid increase in temperature. For example, if in a bath, the individual starts shaking, then the body is trying to increase its core temperature further.Of course, as with any illness there may be circumstances for which you should seek medical advice:Infants younger than 3 months with a rectal temperature of 100.5 or higher or an ear temperature greater than 99.5 should have a medical consult because their physiologic response to illness is immature. Additionally, older infants with a temperature greater than 102, or fever plus unexplained irritability should consult a physician.Older children often do well with a fever, so look to their behavior to indicate a need for medical advice. For a child who is irritable, listless, vomiting, has stomachache or severe headaches – call your medical doctor, while a child who is drinking fluids and playing should be left alone to let the fever run its course.Adults running a fever of greater than 104 or 101 for greater than four days or 100.5 for three-plus weeks with no other symptoms should seek advice.Remember, fever is a vital function of our immune system. It should be supported when possible, not suppressed. A moderate elevation of our body temperature improves the body’s disease fighting capacity.Palmer

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