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Change is in the air for Peyton Fire District

The Feb. 8 Peyton Fire District board meeting began with the board president John Clowers reading the resignation letter of vice-president Phil Machotka, who was not in attendance. Machotka’s letter stated that the” lack of cooperation of the volunteers” was the primary reason he resigned. After the remaining board members voted to accept Machotka’s resignation, Kim Thorpe, board secretary, announced her resignation.Reading from her prepared letter, Thorpe accused the volunteers of being “uncooperative, with destructive and self-serving behavior.” She made further accusations of being threatened with “physical attack and blackmail.” Treasurer Scott Miller was visibly upset when he asked to speak. Referring to a recent letter to the editor to the Ranchland News that accused Miller of having an incomplete set of books for the district, he cited financial ledger balancing information. He also stated that $6,394.36 was spent on lawyers for the year 2004, not the $20,000 that had been stated in a previous meeting. “I do know how to dot the “i’s” and cross the “t’s,” Miller said. “Contrary to belief, I also do know how to keep a checkbook.” Miller also tossed a large book of receipts onto the table and offered to let anyone review them.Next to speak was director Sue Crozier. She also began by reading a resignation letter and asking community members to “step up and get involved.” Crozier stated that she might run for office in the future.Clowers then announced that the meeting was over due to not enough board members for a quorum to conduct business. Peyton citizens in attendance wanted to know what happens next. Clowers responded that he would place an ad in the newspaper no later than March 8, requesting applications to fill the three vacant board positions until an election could be held in May. Clowers and Miller would review the applications and appoint the three interim board members. He also stated that he will remain as board president until May 2006.Most of the meeting attendees felt the resignations would help ease the tension between the community volunteers and the board. The Peyton Concerned Citizens Committee has been putting pressure on the board to address numerous grievances from the community regarding their fire and safety protection. Resident Bill Mistretta spoke for many when he said, “It’s time to work for the good of the community.”

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