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Letters to the Editor

A Democrat speaks about the election

Our long national nightmare of elections are over. Despite my best efforts and wishes,America will once again be misled for the next four years by the same guy who misled us for the previous four years.Some would say, the people have spoken and I agree with that, but with a caveat that the people of the south have spoken, and speak they did with all their evangelical hearts. The south rules the GOP and and the GOP runs this nation–woe is me.Not all was lost in Colorado though. We got us a fine new senator–congrats to Senator Salazar, I’m sure he will do us all proud. Then, us Dems took over the state house—who would have thunk it? What’s going on? Bush cleans house in Colorado, but the Dems sweep the state house. I guess that’s politics.It will be interesting to see how a Democratic state house affects our part of the state. Falcon will surely keep growing even if it is mostly Republican–I guess that’s good. Colorado Springs will probably keep sprawling as well, and for me that ain’t good.As a lonely Democratic voice in the Springs, I can’t tell you how much it pleases me that the hard-core conservatives that run my town won’t have as much clout with the common sense party now in charge of our state.Phil KennyColorado Springs

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