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Letters to the Editor

Breeding Dogs

Being animal lovers, my husband and I take in dogs nobody wants and foster them until they can be adopted. We support the Teller County Animal Shelter because it is a no-kill facility. We have two small dogs of our own. We took one in because the husband and kids of this family wanted a “family dog.” This little poodle just wasn’t one. The Shi Tzu we adopted was found wondering the streets of Denver, with matted hair and weighing only 11 lbs. She was rescued from kids who were throwing rocks at her. Her ideal weight is 18 lbs.I get so angry with individuals that feel it necessary to continue breeding their “AKC Registered” pets just to make a buck. I see these ignorant individuals with cages of puppies in the Safeway parking lot or on the busy corners trying to sell these puppies.When are people going to realize that it is okay not to breed their female dogs? The dog isn’t going to get some disease if she’s not bred at least once. There are more than plenty of UNWANTED dogs in this world already, without people having to keep reproducing just for the almighty dollar.Every morning while listening to the news, there’s always one or two dogs that were given up because their owners couldn’t, or WOULDN’T take them along when they moved to another state; or a couple just had a baby, therefore the dog is no longer welcome. The best excuse of all is; I didn’t know this dog was going to grow up to be so big.What is it going to take to educate these morons?Maria GroppFalcon Hills resident

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