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El Paso County Colorado District 49

Ready for a Shock? I Will Keep My Word!

On Nov. 2, District 2 voters elected Douglas Bruce the new county commissioner. The NFH has offered Mr. Bruce a monthly column, so we can all keep informed of the issues and his participation in county decisions. We also invite you to ask questions and bring up concerns to Mr. Bruce through the NFH.To all who voted for me, thank you. To those who voted for another county commissioner candidate, I will try to earn your confidence and support during the next four years. To those who forgot to vote at all, WAKE UP! YOUR HOUSE MAY BE ON FIRE! (How could ANYONE be unaware there was an election, or indifferent to the outcome?)Anyone who wants to be on the monthly e-mail list for my newsletter about county government may e-mail me at and simply say “add me to your CD2 list.” Include your name, e-mail address, postal mailing address and phone numbers (please ID as home/work/cell).My direct dial office number (after January 11) will be 520-6412.My Web site, which will soon be modified to reflect an elected official, not a candidate, is, and my mailing address is P.O. Box 26018, Colorado Springs, Co. 80936.I have dozens of ideas for reforming county government. If you have a constructive suggestion, please send a concise and specific proposal and include your name, phone number and e-mail address so I may contact you to follow up.If you would like to be more involved in serving commissioner District 2, or otherwise reforming local government, please drop me a note. We need volunteers for a number of tasks.If you would like me to speak to your group of 25 or more residents of CD 2, please let me know.Based on our shared past experience with politicians, I know this will be hard to believe, but I WILL keep my campaign promises.You may have read some post-election stories in the Gazette. In one, I identified $3 million a year that the county gives to the city. That gift is not legally required. The only excuse given (publicly by one commissioner) was that we now have good relations with Colorado Springs, which would end if we did not hand them $3 million annually. How many political friendships can county taxpayers afford to buy at that price?Another story publicized my opposition to the county selling 157 acres just north of the Broadmoor for ONE DOLLAR. The assessor valued that property (the Penrose Equestrian Center, considered an alternate site for the county fair now in Calhan) at $5.1 million. On top of that outrage, county commissioners plan to give $500,000 of YOUR money to the buyer. That means the buyer gets PAID $499,999 to be GIVEN 157 acres of real estate. (The City Council sold the PEC to the county a few years ago, again for one dollar.) I offered to buy the PEC for $20, and to waive the $500,000 handout, but the commissioners declined. This taxpayer sellout will be ratified by the board on November 18 at 9 a.m. Think about attending, and voicing your opinion.This is the second time recently that the county engaged in a Great Giveaway of YOUR property. In September, they leased the Pikes Peak Center to the World Arena for $1 per year for 25 years, and also gave THEM $500,000 as a “signing bonus” to offset maintenance allegedly needed.The county is also planning to give the city $200,000 to help plug the hole in the city’s Prospect Lake. Talk about a “drain” on the county budget! Keep in mind that the city’s true budget is about 2 1/2 times the county’s budget. WHY are we subsidizing them?I have yet to hear from ONE ordinary taxpayer who agrees with these obscene handouts. Remember them the next time politicians tell you they have no money and need a tax increase.For details on both the $3 million and $5 million Great Giveaways, visit the Media link on my website, have toured most of the major county roads in our district. I have also visited all the county parks and many of the other facilities. I have already made a specific proposal to end the annual loss from the county fair, while keeping the fair in Calhan, as I promised. It involves turning year-round fair operations over to the non-profit Fair Association, which sold the grounds to the county for $1 back in 1973. (What IS this “one dollar” stuff?)I pledge to do my best to ensure that you are proud of my efforts as your county commissioner.Stay in touch, and thanks for reading this.

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