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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

November is just around the corner, and so are the elections. Thank the stars. After Nov. 2, we will no longer have to hear, a multitude of times, “this is so and so, and I approve this message.” And there will be no more sparring and pompous interpretations by media and expert commentators about who won this or that debate, or questions relating to Sen. Kerry’s tan or President Bush’s facial expressions.However, this month’s New Falcon Herald is not without its share of election tidbits.The local elections have inundated our newspaper this month – our 11th edition. We are chock full of opinions (see editorials). Our advertising sales are up, too (see the paid political advertisements). At The New Falcon Herald, Election Day is Fat Tuesday!Well, despite the bantering and the weary commercials, Election Day is about freedom and choice. A little bit at least.The NFH is no longer taking sides on political candidates or issues, but we do encourage you to vote. Have your say. Vote smart – study the issues – both sides. The county sent residents a 15-page “Notice-of-Election” report – read it. If you don’t know your candidates for county commissioner, make a last-ditch effort to talk to each one – two are running as write ins. We need strong representation in this area, probably more than ever.Meanwhile, here’s what’s happening at the NFH. We received an e-mail from a Falcon resident who would like to see newspaper coverage of Falcon school sports. We agree, and we are trying to find a high-school intern to be a roving sports reporter. It hasn’t been easy, but we hope to have an intern on board by December. We will cover school sports, one way or another.This is our first edition featuring color. We hope you like it. Using color is dependent on our advertisers requesting color. Some newspapers include color regardless of their advertisers; however, we are trying to conserve the costs of publishing our newspaper. We don’t need to pass on any additional costs to you.Based on a few e-mail responses, we have brought back our RUMORS column. Just keep in mind that nothing is for real in our Rumors column.And this month we’ve added a new column: Face to Face in Falcon. This column features a one on one with a Falcon resident. We’ll feature a Falcon resident each month as a complement to our business spotlight – Falcon Limelight. Please let us know if there is someone you’d like us to feature.Finally, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful to our advertisers, our readers, our community and our freelance staff – Jeff, Alicia, Cathy G., Erika, Cathy S., Linda, Deb, Elaine and Bruce. We are very thankful for our Web designer, Kathy Wallace. We are also grateful to our family (who help sort and deliver our newspapers, and especially to the one who helps us find news – you know, that guy who does your windshield repairs – yep, we are all about nepotism). And we are thankful to our friends who support us and forgive us for never calling. See you in December.Michelle & Marylou

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