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Issue 1A – The RTA: billion-dollar tax increase

  • 1A is the largest tax increase in county history. Using the 14-year average county sales tax increase, 1A costs over ONE BILLION DOLLARS in the first ten years alone, and continues FOREVER.
  • 1A imposes another layer of unaccountable government FOREVER. We don’t elect and can’t recall RTA directors. Our Founding Fathers said, “Taxation without representation is tyranny.” Taxpayers will be helpless.
  • First-year cost for average family of four? $400. Governments get enough now. Roads are not “extras.” Basics should come first. Politicians starve infrastructure. They know we would refuse to raise taxes for pay raises and protected pet projects. Don’t tolerate this blackmail. Demand better budget priorities.
  • The ballot shows no price tags for projects, no priority ranking within groups, no completion deadlines. Not one project is guaranteed.
  • Empty local buses lose $6 million yearly now – under 1A, $13 million. They’ll end up with 22-plus percent of our taxes forever. Higher losses won’t increase riders, reduce traffic.
  • 1A means another layer of government, a 100 percent increase in the countywide sales tax, a blank check forever, vague promises, more empty buses.
  • Austin Bluff/Union repair estimates? From $15 million to $30 million overnight. Original construction was poorly planned. Why reward, with more money, those who mis-designed it?
  • In 1999, a $16 million plan got 27 percent voter support. 1A is dumb, and 4 and one-half times more costly.
  • 1A allows unlimited COPs (long-term debt used in jail and courthouse scandals) without voter approval. Politicians will borrow billions in bankrupting burdens if they get this revenue windfall.
  • Two towns with 900 and 5,000 people get one director each, plus first-tier projects. The county’s 560,000 and city’s 370,000 get only three directors each. Offering unequal voting and pet projects to buy political support is bad policy. Four other towns opted out.
  • 1A’s “formula” for distributing repair money is not based on road miles, needs, or land area.
  • Other counties can join RTA later; our higher taxes could repair roads in Pueblo or Elbert!
  • RTA can end only by unanimous vote of every elected official of every government’ impossible!
  • RTA can use our taxes to build toll roads, then charge drivers again to use those roads! RTA can lien your property without your consent using special improvement districts, and annex property without owner consent or even elections to raise taxes.
  • 1A’s huge tax bails out poor planning, and developers who avoided total subdivision costs, like road impacts. Developers are paying 1A campaign costs to force taxpayer subsidies. These scams will continue until citizens shout “NO” to public taxation for private profit.
–For more information, call 550-0010. Email Visit www.RaiseTaxesAgain. Remember, RTA means “Raise Taxes Again.”

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