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Letters to the Editor

Dirty politics

I read the article on how Jenean Schueler was treated in the Safeway parking lot while gathering signatures for the Republican primary, and thought to myself “El Paso County politics is at its best.” I have lived in the Colorado Springs area for over thirty years, and it seems that at election time we see stories like this in the paper. Signs being torn down, petition gatherers being harassed, candidates telling out and out lies about their opponents. This may be true of both parties, but because of the political climate in El Paso County, you hear more about the Republicans than the Democrats.I think the way campaign workers go about their business is a reflection on the candidate and the party they represent. If I was running for office and found out those helping me were using such tactics, those workers would be gone.Political correctedness aside: If a candidate has to resort to dirty politics to be elected, what will he do after he has been elected? Represent the people? I doubt it.Andrew RanneyFalcon

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