From the Publisher

From the Publisher

There are many wonderful things about publishing a community newspaper, like providing an avenue for business owners to advertise their wares, writing about issues that directly affect everyone and meeting and getting to know the people who live in the community.This edition is No. 6 and, as time goes on, people are responding more to the issues address in the NFH. It was heartfelt to read the e-mails from last month’s new “Monkey Chronicles” column about Kokomo. Many Falconites (is that a new term or old, and do you like it or not?) identified with the pain of losing an animal companion. One reader, Donna Guerra, who also wrote an editorial this month, steered one NFH publisher to a new kitty.Last month’s follow up article on water prompted a few more e-mails about the fast-growing development of Falcon. We try to be impartial and present the facts – you can come to your own conclusions. Sometimes the issues are black and white, sometimes not. We are partial regarding the county commissioner race – we came out in support of Jim Day last month, and we are proud of it.We are a monthly newspaper, so we don’t get the news to you as it happens, like a daily or weekly newspaper. However, we try to publish more in-depth articles on current events and issues.The people we have interviewed for our articles and others we’ve gotten to know through events, phone calls, and e-mails have reminded us of our Midwest backgrounds. We have met and talked to some of the most down-to-earth, sincere, independent and authentic people living in Colorado. A community newspaper can help to bring those people together, and it is worth every effort to do so.Many business owners and organizations – the District 49 School Business Alliance and the Falcon Professional Development League Board of Directors – have rallied to bring the community together as well. Regardless of the issues, and the varying opinions, it is exciting to see the spirit of community. We continue to appreciate your support of the NFH, and we look forward to a long-lasting relationship with the community.This is your paper as much as it is ours. Your input is welcome and appreciated.

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