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Health and Wellness

Your health is your business

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word “health?” Do you think of vitality, life, energy, youth, wellness or strength? Consider your health a business. We can apply the same principles to our own health as we would our own business. For example, if business owners used all of their business resources without replacing them, they would fail. So why use all of our body’s resources without replenishing them? We can’t expect to stay healthy unless we invest time, energy and resources in our health, our No.1 commodity.We must continuously reserve time and maintain energy for ourselves, or our businesses, personal lives, relationships and families will suffer. This fast paced industrialized society can create an unhealthy environment; therefore, we have to make a conscious effort to protect and maintain our health.Here are some simple and effective ways to make your health your business. Most of you are familiar with Stephen Covey’s book, the “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The seven habits help ensure a return on one’s investments – whatever the investment. Maintaining your health is one investment, and here are seven ways to do it.Habit No.1: Be proactive – principles of personal visionAs a practitioner of alternative therapies, I encourage people to take charge of their own health. It is not your doctor’s job to take care of your health. You are responsible for your own health. Take an interest in how you treat your body, mind and spirit. Take the time and use your energies wisely so you can accomplish what you desire. Get sick and tired of being sick and tired and let this resolve become your foundation, and no matter how many times you fail, you will never totally give up.Habit No. 2: Begin with the end in mind – principles of personal leadershipTake time to set goals. Treat your health like a business plan. Get an idea of what you want to achieve. Begin to think about the things you want, like living to age 100, and determine the ways to reach these goals. Decide your ultimate goal and apply habit No. 3.Habit No. 3: Put first things first – principles of personal managementCome up with a strategy on how to reach your goals, and start small. If you want to be a vegetarian, set a date. Replace your sodas with fresh fruit juices or, better yet, water. Go for snacks like fresh fruits or vegetables, instead of chips. Take a brisk walk in the morning or evening, instead of going for it all at once. Don’t bite off more than you can chew; otherwise, you set yourself up for failure and frustration.Habit No. 4: Think win/win – principles of interpersonal leadershipAlmost everyone was taught that you either win or lose. However, if you lose a competition, look at what you gained. Was there a lesson learned? Did you enjoy the time spent in the process? If you entered a race and were guaranteed a win in, you’d probably do it. Apply that concept to your own journey toward good health, and you will gain confidence and encouragement.Habit No. 5: Seek first to understand/ then to be understood – principles of empathetic communicationWhenever you are exposed to a new idea or concept related to your health, don’t throw it to the wind before understanding it. Never say, “I could never give that up,” or “I could never do that.” Understand the principle and apply it to whatever degree is appropriate for you.Habit # 6: Synergize – principles in creative cooperationNo successful person made it alone. Team effort is the best way to make things happen – a concept used in business, sports and relationships. That same principle is found in health strategies, including the combining of nutrients in their natural state, which equals greater health benefits. An aspirin to relieve a headache may not be necessary if corrective measures are taken to prevent the headache. Synergy means understanding that disease is caused by multiple factors, and synergy also means the application of a combination of nutrients to achieve maximum benefits.Habit No. 7: Sharpen the saw – principles of balanced self-renewalNow that you are taking a proactive approach to your health through initial steps to wellness, keep going. Talk to health professionals, read health-related magazines and books and take a course in health. Be open-minded. Invest in you. Applying these habits toward a healthier lifestyle will give you direction, certainty and success.Here are a few time-tested suggestions toward a healthy lifestyle:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Eat food as close to its natural state as possible
  • Take time for yourself
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Be active
  • Breathe deep
  • Seek spiritual guidance
  • Choose a doctor or practitioner that follows Thomas Edison’s advice: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest the patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

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